How to transform LED display screen into a new messenger of culture?

Publisher: Supplier of LED Display Time: 2024-05-27 14:23 Views: 121

In recent years, "reverse travel" continues to be hot, during the first of May this year, China's holiday tourism market presents new structural changes, Guangxi Liuzhou, Shandong Zibo, Gansu Tianshui and other net red small towns, doubly favored by tourists, more and more people will focus on locking up the county, the county tourism is gradually hot. In more and more county commercial places, public places, LED display screen also gradually become a bright landscape, for the city image and cultural dissemination to contribute more power.

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County tourism hot days

"Not big cities can not afford to go, but small counties are more cost-effective!" From Zibo barbecue to Tianshui spicy hot, from Quanzhou hanfu hairpin to Fujian Pingtan blue tears, this year's May Day holiday, many cold cities with food, beautiful clothes, beautiful scenery out of the circle burst fire.

All along, the first and second tier cities are the traditional popular tourist destinations, especially during the holiday season by tourists. And this year, during the May 1 period, the tourism market emerges the new trend of county tourism fever. Ctrip platform data show that the May Day holiday, the fourth line and the following cities travel booking orders year-on-year growth, the increase is significantly higher than the first and second tier cities. Among them, Anji, Tonglu, Dujiangyan, Yangshuo, Mile, Yiwu, Wuyuan, Jinghong, Kunshan, Pingtan is a popular county travel destination, travel orders increased by 36% on average.

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Unlike resource-rich big cities, niche cities can exponentially drive tourism economic growth with just an out-of-circle label. Tourists flock to these small towns full of life, savoring authentic cuisine, appreciating original folk culture, and experiencing the tranquility and leisure different from the city.

In Anji County, which has a resident population of less than 600,000, there are more than 300 coffee shops, with a per capita cafe density exceeding that of Shanghai. Just at the beginning of April this year, Anji also hosted the Dalu Music Festival, which attracted many young people to gather around.

"Running to a city for a show" has become a new consumer code in the cultural tourism market, prompting local cultural tourism bureaus to start focusing on the powerful benefits of music festivals. Organizing a music festival, from venue rental to band invitation, is not a huge black hole of burning money. Under a series of supportive policies introduced by local governments, many music festivals have migrated from first- and second-tier cities to local scenic spots, counties and even townships. According to statistics, in 2023 there will be 124 domestic music festivals in four or five lines, and even six lines and the following cities, the total number of new first-tier cities with 159 the size of the difference.

LED display as an indispensable display equipment for concerts, riding on the wind of music festivals, its market potential in the field of leasing in 2023 has been fully released, according to statistics, the overall global leasing market size in 2023 increased by 35% year-on-year to 9.585 billion, of which the domestic leasing market grew by about 68% year-on-year, and the foreign leasing market grew by about 20% year-on-year.

More and more regions are actively organizing special music festivals, but also let the LED rental screen more deeply into the sinking market. In Fenghua, Ningbo, the annual peach music festival, so that Fenghua citizens at home to enjoy a high-quality audio-visual feast, tourists can also listen to music while eating specialty peaches, but also let foreign tourists to Fenghua one more reason.

Business atmosphere is greatly upgraded, LED display is promising

County travel popularity, on the one hand, with the old popular tourist city is still difficult to escape the sea of people burst of fire related. On the other hand, it is also because the county area is becoming the focus of the layout of catering and hotel brands, and the supporting facilities are increasingly completed. Young people are keen to travel to county cities in pursuit of not only a life experience close to nature, but also a new way of playing that can integrate the current popular lifestyle.

Under the impetus of this cultural boom, LED display screen as an important tool for modern information dissemination, with its high definition and high brightness display effect, and energy saving and environmental protection characteristics, is increasingly favored by the county and other sinking market commercial advertising and cultural communication field. With the continuous innovation of technology, LED display screen has developed a variety of forms, suitable for different application scenarios of the product, not only can effectively attract the attention of consumers, but also for the brand to bring vivid and intuitive display effect.

Due to the increasingly saturated commercial locations in large cities, all kinds of commercial brands have turned their attention to the county consumption. First and second-tier cities, although strong consumer power, but the number is limited, it is difficult to meet the many brands to open "10,000 stores" ambition, so the brands began to layout the county, the growing demand for commercial advertising, LED transparent screen, shaped screen and other more eye-catching new display products, is becoming the preferred medium for businesses to promote their products and services.

LED transparent screen as a new type of display products, breaking through the traditional sound, light, electricity limitations, will be virtual and reality combination, the past two years a lot of popularity, showing a huge potential and innovation space. This kind of screen combines transparent display and 3D effect, giving users an immersive visual experience, which can be used as a display tool for commercial windows, displaying commodities in the form of holographic images in the window, and this kind of display can quickly attract the interest of customers, and also enhance the grade and texture of the commodities.

With the county's consumption capacity gradually improved, people for brand and quality demand is also growing, new market opportunities are being formed. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, from January to February this year, the total retail sales of consumer goods amounted to 8,130.7 billion yuan, of which the growth rate of rural consumption exceeded that of cities and towns, and the potential was accelerated and released. Under the influence of the rebound in consumption and changes in the consumption structure of urban and rural areas, the sinking market has opened up new development opportunities for various industries. In the better economic areas, the county commercial complexes stand in a row, and the merchants are all well-known chain brands, which support a piece of the sky of county consumption.

Grasp the opportunity to deepen the sinking market

In addition to commercial advertising, LED display screen in the county also plays an important role in cultural communication. In the county's cultural activities, LED display can be used as a backdrop, bulletin boards, etc., to show the theme of the event, slogans and other content. At the same time, LED display screen can also play local characteristics of cultural propaganda film, public service videos and other content, so that tourists more in-depth understanding of the local cultural heritage and historical traditions. In these ways, LED display screen can not only help the county to enhance the city image, but also promote the cultural heritage and development.

In order to create a good publicity and public opinion atmosphere, many counties in hospitals, banks, stores, gymnasiums and other places installed LED display, and outdoor displays are always outside by the wind and sun, bad weather will accelerate the aging of the display, coupled with the lack of timely maintenance, resulting in the use of the LED screen for a period of time there will be varying degrees of flower screen, mosaic phenomenon.

Due to the uneven economic development around the world, some places use the LED display screen, has been years ago, the old products, some screen perennial display effect is not good, resulting in poor utilization, only as a decoration, this kind of screen is facing elimination. For the old screen, you can through the technology of point-by-point correction, repair the failure point, the old screen for the rejuvenation, to a certain extent, more cost-saving. If the pursuit of more high-definition, high brightness, more stable display effect, you need to choose a new model of the product reassembled.

For LED display, its application in the city has been deeply rooted. However, for the vast county and third and fourth tier city market, the application potential of LED display has not been fully explored. For LED enterprises, this is a huge market gap, but also an important direction to broaden channels and deepen the market.

LED display to get development in the sinking market. Cannot be separated from the continuous innovation of technology and cost reduction. Nowadays, the LED display industry chain is becoming more and more perfect, the scale of survival is expanded, only the acquisition of the cost of the LED display screen is reduced, in order to let more county businessmen and institutions, afford this modern information dissemination medium.