All LCF staff gathered together to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival!

Publisher: Supplier of LED Display Time: 2023-06-21 13:32 Views: 622

It's the Dragon Boat Festival again, and the leaves are fragrant and affectionate. In order to better promote the traditional culture of the Chinese nation and enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the majority of employees, at the same time thank all employees for their tireless work for the development of the company and stick to their posts day and night, so that employees can feel the warmth and care of the big family of the company. On June 20th, LCF held a Dragon Boat Festival dinner event for all staff in the canteen of Shenzhen headquarters with the theme of "gathering energy and strength", and according to traditional customs, distributed Dragon Boat Festival benefits to each employee - tickets for the Huangtian Lychee Cultural Festival (worth 388 yuan / piece).


LCF attaches great importance to the construction of corporate culture. It distributes festival benefits in every traditional festival, regularly holds team building activities every year, etc., to enrich corporate culture and employees’ amateur cultural life, and enhance employees’ cohesion, sense of belonging and festive atmosphere to the enterprise.


At the beginning of the event, Ms. Long Pingfang, the founder and president of LCF, briefly reviewed the company's achievements in the first half of the year, and at the same time fully affirmed the hard work of all the company's family members, and encouraged everyone to seize the great era The opportunity given, not forgetting the original intention, working hard, growing together with LCF, making every effort to build a world-class integrated service provider of sound, light and intelligent manufacturing, and finally sending holiday blessings to all family members.


On the dining table, there was a strong aroma of wine, vegetables and brown, and all kinds of delicacies were mouth-watering. During the dinner, the family members talked and laughed happily, sharing the joy of life and exchanging their work experience. The leaders of the company sat down with their families, toasted and drank with their families, celebrated the Dragon Boat Festival, and exchanged holiday blessings and greetings.


This event is fun and entertaining. There are not only delicious food and wine, but also wonderful and interesting games. Everyone actively participates and interacts enthusiastically. Brain-burning idioms Solitaire, interesting flipping paper cups with one hand, tense bomb numbers...every game will have different highlights for everyone. Laughter, cheers, and shouts came and went.


This Dragon Boat Festival event is not only a gathering to comply with the festival, but also a big gathering for all the family members of  LCF to enhance their relationship, let themselves go, and strengthen cooperation. Not only did I feel the cultural charm of traditional festivals, but also shortened the distance between employees, and at the same time strengthened the connection and understanding between superiors and subordinates, enhanced the cohesion and centripetal force of the company, and deepened the happiness and sense of belonging of the family members. It shows the positive spirit of  LCF and the strength of unity and cooperation.


The event came to an end with laughter and laughter, and the family members deeply felt the love and collective warmth of the company's leaders. The tangy aroma of the delicious food is still fresh in my memory, and the smiles and blessings on the table... let the family members deeply remember this special and beautiful moment.

The Huangtian Litchi Cultural Festival officially opens today. During the Huangtian Litchi Cultural Festival from June 21st to 23rd, the market will be open from 10:00 to 22:00 every day, and the music festival will be performed from 19:00 to 22:00. Everyone is welcome to taste Huangtian lychees, visit the cultural and creative market, watch the lychee music festival... delicious, delicious, and fun, all in the Huangtian lychee cultural festival!


Finally, all the staff of LCF would like to wish everyone good health and happiness in the Dragon Boat Festival in advance!