High-Quality And Reliable Small-Pitch LED Displays Are More Promising Than Traditional Displays

Publisher: Supplier of LED Display Time: 2018-01-22 09:11 Views: 3368

Small-pitch LED displays generally refer to indoor LED displays with a pitch of less than 2mm. At present, small-pitch LED displays are widely used in high-end fields such as security monitoring, command and control centers, radio and television stations, and theaters.  


The mainstream small-pitch LED display models on the market are: P1.25, P1.5625, P1.667, P1.875, P1.923, P2, etc. Compared with the conventional LED display, the small-pitch LED display has more advanced and reliable pixel control technology, which can improve the brightness, reproducibility and uniformity of the display screen. Therefore, the small-pitch LED display has a higher use value. Compared with the traditional DLP rear-projection display, the advantages are also very obvious. The following editor of Lianchengfa (www.lcf-led.cn) will give you a summary and analysis of the advantages of small-pitch LED displays and traditional display devices.


1. The completeness of display pixels is higher: As the current indoor mid-to-high-end display market is still dominated by DLP rear projection displays, DLP technology has some natural defects and cannot eliminate the seams between display units. Therefore, every time when splicing Each display unit will swallow at least one display pixel, making the display pixel incomplete. If it is a small pitch, this problem will not exist. A small pitch LED display can perfectly compensate for this defect and ensure that each display unit has a complete display pixel.


2. Better display color performance: Due to the differences between the display units of the DLP rear projection display, it is difficult to control the display color and brightness uniformity of the entire display screen, and as the use time increases, this The display unit difference will become more and more obvious. However, professional small-pitch LED displays use pixel-level point control technology, and the color performance of each display unit has a high degree of uniformity, which can make the color performance of the screen better.


The pictures played by the small-pitch LED display have high pixel integrity, rich picture expressiveness, gorgeous and delicate colors, and a high degree of appreciation. It is difficult for traditional display equipment to do this. Therefore, the editor believes that high-quality and reliable small-pitch LED displays have broader development prospects than traditional displays.