What is an LED display?

Publisher: Supplier of LED Display Time: 2022-02-09 17:39 Views: 748

1. What is LED display?


 The LED display is a flat panel display, which is composed of several small LED module panels, and is used to display various information such as text, images, videos, and video signals.

 LED electronic display integrates microelectronic technology, computer technology and information processing. It has the advantages of bright colors, wide dynamic range, high brightness, long life, stable and reliable operation, etc. It is widely used in commercial media, cultural performance market, sports venues, Information dissemination, news release, securities trading, etc., can meet the needs of different environments.

2. Principle of LED display


 The main controller of the LED display screen converts the computer display card signal into the data and control signal format required by the LED display screen. The main controller obtains the color brightness data of each pixel of a screen from the computer display card, and then assigns it to several scanning boards. Each scanning board is responsible for controlling several rows/columns on the LED display screen, and the LED display on each row/column The signal is cascaded and transmitted through each display control unit of the bank in a serial manner, and each display control unit directly faces the LED display body. The display control unit is generally composed of a shift register latch with a grayscale control function. On the one hand, the scan panel accepts the video signal of the main controller, on the other hand, it transmits the data belonging to this level to its own display control units, and at the same time, it also transmits the data that does not belong to this level to the next cascaded scan panel. The differences in space, time, sequence and other aspects of video signal and LED display data need to be coordinated by a scanning board.


3. The role of LED display

(1)   Play the role of product promotion and attract customers.

(2)Play the role of store decoration and improve the level of the enterprise.

(3)Play the role of lighting and unconventional.

(4)Play the role of popularizing knowledge, which can be used to broadcast small information of enterprise products and knowledge of related industries.

(5) Play the role of a bulletin board, such as promotions and job postings.

(6)Play a role in setting off the atmosphere. Through the display screen, the welcome speeches of superior leaders and various VIPs visiting and guiding, and the celebration speeches of various major festivals, etc. can be played.

4. The use of LED display

(1)    Business publicity and information display in the postal service, telecommunications, shopping malls and other service fields.

(2) Dispatch command center information display, power dispatch. Vehicle dynamic tracking, vehicle height adjustment management, etc., are also gradually adopting high-density LED displays.

(3) Securities trading and financial information show that LED displays in this field accounted for more than 50% of the domestic LED display demand in the past few years, and there is still a large demand.

(4)advertising media new products. In addition to outdoor LED display as an advertising medium, cluster LED display advertising system, train LED display advertising system, etc. have also been adopted and are being promoted.

(5)the airport flight dynamic information display. Civil aviation airport construction has very clear requirements for residence display, and LED display is the first choice for flight residence display system FIDS.

(6)Passenger guidance information display at port stations. The information system and broadcasting system with LED display as the main body, train arrival and departure revealing system, ticketing information system, etc. together constitute the automation system of the passenger transport hub.

(7)Display of stadium information. As the main means of game information display and game live broadcast, LED display has replaced traditional lighting and CRT display, and has become an essential game facility in modern stadiums.

(8) Road traffic guidance information display application display screen. The rise of the intelligent communication system (ITS) is effective in the city. highways, etc. LED displays are widely used as variable intelligence boards, speed limit signs, etc.

(9) Performances and assemblies. Large-scale LED displays are more and more commonly used for live video broadcasts for public and political purposes, such as in the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. In major festivals such as New Millennium Celebrations around the world, large LED displays have played an outstanding role in broadcasting live broadcasts and publishing advertising information.

(10) Exhibition. As one of the important services provided by the exhibition organizer, the large LED display screen provides paid services to the exhibitors.