How to Calculate the Penetration Rate of Led Transparent Screen?

Publisher: Supplier of LED Display Time: 2022-01-14 15:13 Views: 913


     LED transparent screen, transparency is its biggest feature. Who often asks, is the led transparent screen completely transparent? What is its penetration rate?

     I have never seen an LED transparent screen in kind, nor have customers who have contacted with an LED transparent screen. "Transparent screen" is definitely a very sensual and sci-fi vocabulary. When it comes to transparent screens, many people may think of high-tech images in film and television works and conceptual product promotional films.

     But the transparent led screen is not related to these. Most of the high-tech pictures in the film are virtual technology, which represents a future technology and a transparent future development direction.

     Therefore, how to calculate the transmittance of LED transparent screen?

     To calculate breathability, first understand the concept of breathability. Permeability is a physical term that refers to the efficiency of light transmission through display devices, etc. The transmittance of a transparent screen is defined as the percentage between the actual transmitted luminous flux through the screen and its past luminous flux. The simplest calculation formula is: light transmittance = (light transmission space / light bar interval) * 100%

     Regarding the calculation of the transmittance of transparent screens, there is currently no industry standard in the LED transparent display industry, so LED transparent screen manufacturers have inconsistent calculation methods for the "breathability" or "transmittance" of their own products. The main logic is as follows:

     Usually only the light bar is counted, the main part of the light board, that is, the shading of the power box is not included, and the shading of the box frame is not counted, and the shading of PC, acrylic or glass (single-layer or even double-layer) is not counted.

     Take the P12 transparent screen as an example, it is known that the PCB thickness is 2m thick, and the distance between the light bar and the light bar is 12mm, then its light transmittance = 10/12*100%

     Therefore, the current "air permeability" in the technical parameters of LED transparent screen products is the result of various calculation formulas produced by enterprises. When choosing LED transparent screen products, the light transmittance of the transparent screen should be actually experienced, and other factors should be carefully selected. In addition, it is recommended to choose a powerful well-known manufacturer such as Lianchengfa when purchasing a transparent LED screen, and the product quality and other aspects can be guaranteed.